
The founders of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. were all educators in their own right.  The genesis of the   Education Program lies in the traditional emphasis that the Fraternity places on Education.  During the 1945 Conclave in St. Louis, Missouri, the fraternity underwent a constitution restructuring after World War II. This lead to the birth of Education as a National Program.


The National Program of Education focuses on programming and services to graduate and undergraduates in the fraternity.  Programs such as scholarships, lectures, college fairs, mentoring, and tutoring enhance this program on local, regional and national levels.

The Adopt-A-School component is designed to get Sigma men into the schools in your community, working with teachers and principals to assist students in improving their knowledge, skills academically and build student literacy.

While in the schools, your chapter will implement one or more of the sub-components of this initiative which include:

  • Reading Days – Essay Contests
  • Spelling bees
  • Oratory and Debate Competition
  • Math and Problem Solving Competitions
  • S.T.E.A.M (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics) – S.T.E.A.M related experiences, field trips and projects

The scholarship component is designed to have Sigma grow its impact in the area of assisting with the cost of education at both the high school and college levels through the awarding of scholarships at both levels.Chapters are tasked with raising money in various ways, as per chapter decision, to award these scholarships. The local scholarships will go to high school and/or college students using criteria set by the chapter, and it is requested that Alumni Chapters target high school seniors and college students, and Collegiate Chapters target middle school and high school students.

Ras Al-Shabazz
Eastern Director
Dr. Phillip Cockrell
Great Lakes Director
Joe Roland IV
Gulf Coast Director
Kelley Woodley
Southeastern Director
Michael Moody
Southern Director
Dr. Emmanuel Rowe
Southwestern Director
Anthony J. Buchanan
Western Director


During the 20th anniversary of Sigma, the Committee on Public Policy urged that the fraternity come forth with a broadly-based program that would be addressed to the problems of the great masses of the Negro people. This new departure, in large measure, grew out of the experiences of the New York group. These men from Manhattan brought with them a new idea, Social Action..

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The Sigma Beta Club offers our membership a unique opportunity to develop values, leadership skills and social/cultural awareness in our youth during their developmental years. Sigma Beta Club programs are geared to meet the needs of its member, but at the same time provide them with a well-rounded out look that is needed to cope with today’s society…

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Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., believes that the improvement and economic conditions of minorities is a major fact in the improvement of the general welfare of society. It is upon this conviction that the Bigger and Better Business Program rests. Since 1926, the Bigger and Better Business Program has been sponsored on a national scale by Phi Beta Sigma as a way of supporting, fostering, and promoting minority owned businesses and services.

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